My other 2025s

The other day, or I should say last week, I showed the 2025 Andrew McCutchen and Shohei Ohtani cards I received. The other cards I ordered have yet to be displayed, so here they are:

At least on these two you can read the player's last names. The position dot is relatively hard to notice; much prefer the abbreviations CF, C, SS, etc. The colors look massively different on every single device I have seen them on, and also look different in hand to the scans, which is less surprising. This must be because of the Foil thing Topps did, which Night Owl wrote about a few weeks back. It is a bad idea and a situation that I think conceptually is better when viewed on a computer, but in hand it just does not work. That's how I feel about it, and especially how cards are simply and generally over-designed these days. 

Both of these cards for Ramirez and Trout go into the Topps run of cards PCs I have going for these players. But I'm only collecting their base Topps cards. Not Update, not Stadium Club, not inserts. Not anything else. Not the Trout rookie either, unless it is a reprint.

I think that is all I will get for Series 1. There are Strawberry and Kruk inserts but only autographs and the prices they are going for are a bit silly. I might be more inclined to pursue one of each but I have a number of autographed cards for both already so do not feel too anxious about it.

Thanks for stopping by!
